New Series Beginning Sunday, March 2 at 10am

The book of Jonah offers a unique glimpse into the fragility of the human condition. When trouble strikes, we want you to be able to look to God and say, I trust you. Each of us faces forks in the road that demand a decision: Will you remain unshakable when fear meets faith?

Find Out What God is Doing in Africa

Ridgewood Church is partnering with The Timothy Initiative (TTI) to plant churches in Togo, Africa. Learn how you can help to change the world by reaching people who have never heard the name of Jesus. Did you know that it only costs $400 to plant a house church in Togo? That’s less than $34 a month for a year! Join with us and learn more. Come to Ridgewood to hear about the incredible work God is doing in Africa and beyond.

Thank You for Your Generosity! Ridgewood has planted 298 churches with a goal of 500 churches by the end of 2026!

Give a Gift with a Lasting Impact!

You can plant a church in Africa for just $400 in the name of a person or family! Click the button below to donate. Then print the certificate and write-in the name of the person or family. You can wrap the certificate up as one of the most meaningful gifts of the season. Many people will believe in Jesus as a result of your generous gift.

Feeling lonely?

Did you know that God promises to never leave you or forsake you? He is a God who keeps his promises.

Searching for truth?

Jesus wants everyone to know the truth because he knows the truth will set you free.

Broken Relationships?

Did you know that God is in the restoration business? He wants to restore his relationship with you and then help you restore broken relationships in your life that need restoration.

Need Prayer?

We believe in the power of prayer. Life can be full of disappointments and hard circumstances. We will pray for you.

10am Sunday Service

4420 County Road 101, Minnetonka, MN

At Ridgewood we are "Making Jesus Known Through Community Impact". This is our mission. We meet Sunday mornings in-person and online. Now more than ever, we're thankful that we can gather together in-person. Did you know that the Apostle Paul encourages believers to gather in-person? Check out Hebrews 10:24-25 in the Bible. The idea is that we come together as a family to encourage one another with the love of Jesus. We invite you to visit Ridgewood and worship with us, hear a compelling message and meet new friends.

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