Wendi Johnson
Worship Leader
Wendi grew up in Washington State where she developed a love for ministry. After graduating high school she traveled across the globe with the Continental Singers. Following the completion of a third tour she found herself in Tucson, Arizona where she directed children’s choirs, youth choirs, and was highly involved with the worship ministry at Christ Community Church. Wendi has had much experience leading music and tech teams and loves to lead worshipers to the throne room of God.
Wendi and Paul served nine years at South Delta Baptist Church in Vancouver, Canada, where she served as Children’s Director and directed children’s choirs that performed both in the church and community. While at South Delta, Wendi also served as a member of the Sunday morning music team and would later coordinate the teams while the church was in transition of finding a new leader.
Wendi’s heart is to facilitate worship as a means to connect people to Christ: “There is no greater honor for me than to adore my King and lead others in doing the same.”
Wendi is the wife of Pastor Paul and mother to their six children, two of whom reside in heaven. Although Wendi has gone through many trials, she relies on Jesus for her strength, comfort, and hope.
John 4:23
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”
To learn more about Paul and Wendi’s story of personal loss, forgiveness, and redemption, you can listen to podcasts of their two appearances on KTIS Radio’s “Afternoon with Bill Arnold:”